Introduction | Questionnaire Summary | Field Agenda | Readings /Websites

Welcome to the History Field area

The History Field Committee is composed of representatives from six professional organizations:

American Antiquarian Society - Jeffrey Groves
American Historical Association -
Mark Kornbluh
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies -
Gregory Brown
History of Science Society -
Michael Mahoney
Organization of American Historians -
Paula Petrik, and
Society for the History of Technology -
Lindy Biggs.

The History Field committee has invited participants to the workshop who represent varied levels of electronic media use and knowledge. We have individuals active in digital research and teaching, a "public humanist," a librarian and an archivist, a journal editor and a publisher, a couple of computer scientists, and of course a couple of historians who are just a bit skeptical of the whole enterprise.

At our meeting in Washington D.C. we hope to have a productive conversation about the ways computer technology is changing our professional world and more importantly, how we can help to direct those changes. That is the goal of Building Blocks, to take a proactive position, to help to shape the our own technological future instead of just following.

To prepare for the meeting, we suggest that you read through the material on these Field Area pages.

Especially important is the summary of the history questionnaire responses and the workshop agenda. The summary will point us to some of the issues important to historians and the agenda will show you how we plan to organize our discussion. You can also see the list of confirmed participants and some useful background material.

Looking forward to some good discussions,

Lindy Biggs

In these pages you will find:

Participants: a list of your fellow participants in the Field Group

Questionnaire Summary: the summary of the responses from historians to the questionnaire "Working With Materials"

Reading/web-sites: a list of preliminary readings and/or web-sites suggested by your Field Committee, and

Field Agenda: an outline of the agenda for your field meetings

for full details, see listing in PEOPLE.

Edward Ayers, Hugh P. Kelly Professor of History, University of Virginia

Georgia Barnhill, Andrew W. Mellon Curator of Graphic Arts, American Antiquarian Society

Lindy Biggs, Associate Professor of History, Auburn University Field Committee

Gregory Brown, Assistant Professor of History, University of Nevada Field Committee

Gregory Crane, Professor of Classics, Tufts University

Michael Grossberg, Editor, American Historical Review, Indiana University

Jeffrey Greene, Sponsoring Editor, Houghton Mifflin Company

Jeffrey Groves, Associate Professor of English, Harvey Mudd College Field Committee

Michael Jensen, Director of Publishing Technologies, National Academy Press

Ellis Knox, Computing Services Associate, Boise State University

Mark Kornbluh, Executive Director, H-Net, Michigan State University Field Committee

Marilyn Levine, Professor of Asian History, Lewis-Clark State College

Maurice Luker, Executive Producer and Associate Director, Media Center and Cultural Resources, Initiative for Archaeology, Art History, and Historic Preservation, Columbia University

Michael Mahoney, Professor of History, Princeton University Field Committee

Stephen Murray, Professor of Art History, Columbia University

Paula Petrik, Professor of History, Chair of Math & Statistics Dept., University of Maine Field Committee

Roy Rosenzweig, Professor of History & Cultural Studies, George Mason University

Thomas Thurston, Project Director, New Deal Network,Teachers College/Columbia University