HEADLINE: About NINCH's Executive Director


David Green is the founding executive director (1996) of the National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH), a diverse coalition of over 100 educational institutions and cultural organizations dedicated to assuring leadership from the cultural community in the evolution of the digital environment. He currently sits on the Art, Technology and Intellectual Property steering committee of the American Assembly, the Kennedy Center's ArtsEdge steering committee,the Library and Intellectual Property committee of the National Humanities Alliance and the copyright committee of H-Net.

Prior to directing NINCH, Dr. Green was Director of Communications at the New York Foundation for the Arts, where he was instrumental in the development of Arts Wire. Simultaneously, he established and directed British Arts in New York and had previously been American Liaison for the British American Arts Association. David Green has a Ph.D. in American Studies from Brown University (1982) and has worked with the contemporary arts and with arts and cultural information since 1984. His BA in English & American Literature was from Warwick University, England, and his Masters in American Studies was from the Institute of US Studies, University of London.