Introduction | Questionnaire Summary | Field Agenda | Readings /Websites



Day 1- How do we work?


Get to know members of our working group

Establish discussion-oriented approach

Respond to the question- How do we work?

Guiding Questions-

Who are we and what do we do?

How do we interact with our colleagues?

With whom do you work most closely?

What are two or three disciplines within which you locate your work?

How has your discipline changed?

Does it fit within your traditional disciplinary framework? If not, why not?


Session 1: Thursday 9:-10:30

Welcome and Introductions
Facilitators: Catherine Hays, Sally Promey

Questionnaire Review
Facilitator: Roger Bruce


Session 2: Thursday 11-12:30

Continue discussion of issues outlined in Session 1


Day 2- What do we need to work the way we want to work?



Respond to question: What do we need to work the way we want to work?

Guiding Questions-

Have you found yourself conceiving an interesting humanities project but don't have the technological knowledge to articulate/implement your project?

Have you found yourself with technological knowledge without an interesting or useful humanities application? (I know how to do this but what do I do with it and why? )

How do we translate digital projects into traditionally recognized methods for reward and promotion?

Session 3: Friday 2-3:30

Facilitator: Kirk Alexander

Digital Dialogues addressing the following questions: (for the sites go to the Readings area for Visual & Media Studies)

Having once identified a project of particular importance to you:

What did you need to do this project?

What would have been the ideal conditions under which to conduct this project?

Session : Friday 4-5:30

(Continue discussion of issues outlined in Session 3)


Day 3- Where do we go from here? Outlining Future Projects

Facilitator: Howard Besser

Digital Dialogues addressing the following questions:

Session 5: Saturday 2-3:30 & Session 6: Saturday 4-5:30


Outline short-term, practical, collaborative projects; outline areas that might be included on a longer-term research agenda to be developed with computer scientists.

Guiding Questions:

Is true collaboration possible? Do we collaborate in ways that actually allow the collaboration itself to impact the outcome or do we work along side each other in separate roles with a project in common?

What guidelines might you suggest to contribute to the success of collaborative efforts between humanist and technologist? between humanists of different disciplines?

What models have we seen to respond to the needs of humanists involved in technology initiatives?

What might you envision beyond the following models:

1. Humanist invites technologist to their side of campus,

2. Technologist invites humanist to their side of campus

3. Humanist and technologist gather in cross discipline initiatives that live in the middle of campus and outside of one unit (department, college...)?

What's lost in leaving one's own unit? What's gained?